What We Do

Together Helping Seniors works on a multitude of fronts (i.e. the medical, financial, legal social and psychological) in order to facilitate the complete well-being of older people, to give our clientele tremendous value and to be a one stop shop in senior care and healthy aging.

Let’s begin with some general points regarding what we do for each and every client. Then we introduce you to your team and how we do it  with our detailed focus, the personal touch and expert results. Next  you can take a look at some of the tools we created to maximize your comfort. Furthermore, we will also provide some of the many helpful resources available to you for free. Finally, there is even more information about the scope of our work and beneficial outcomes in the complete section “How are you doing?

Our mission, values and maxims as previously stated in “About Us” are accomplished via methodical processes and proven products so that your household runs smoothly as if you were on continuous vacation. We also want to establish safeguards, e.g. for when an emergency occurs help can be summonsed via a panic alarm and family can be notified. Moreover, we provide helping information which enables the family to work as a team (e.g. a family can locate where the paramedics have taken their loved one by dialing 911 and indicating to the operator that this is a non-emergency call to find out to which hospital their senior parent was taken.) Empowering the family with knowledge instills confidence. However, we are most about ensuring a happy home environment  so that you will feel the comfort, security, joy and love wherever that may be. Hence, we are very eager to explain the many options in senior living and care-giving.

Moreover, we strongly believe it is best to do it at the outset when you are possession of your full health and all your faculties. For in the event of a sudden hospitalization or the slow decline in health, things are running smoothly as if everything is on automatic pilot. Plans and organization are essential elements on how one cuts down on the stress for the family caregiver and maintains the peace of mind about the future for the senior. Here we strongly impress upon you the absolute importance of establishing routines and habits now that will be so vital and beneficial when the aging process begins to affect detrimentally the senior.

Let me briefly explain a caveat. People resist getting hearing aids. They compensate by turning up the volume on the television. Or they blame it on the environment by saying, “What a noisy place” or “We have a poor phone connection.” Once a hearing aid becomes absolutely necessary, however, it can be too late. The unfortunate consequences are that they do not put it on everyday, do not remember to charge the battery, do not r turn it off at night or forget where they left it. The early formation of habits that will aid you in later years is seen with people who begin to wear eye glasses early on. They form an ingrained routine of putting their glasses by their beside at night, daily cleaning and the habit of wearing them everyday; it is second nature. Good habits and everyday routines are so important – essential / critical- in the later years such as the ability to use a smart phone, regular times for taking the medicine, routine checkups, etc. Please do not be stubborn! It only hurts you later on and those whom you love now.

So we begin with meeting you the client, both the elder parents and adult child, children or relation in an informational and fact finding session. In this meeting we reiterate our mission, values and maxims. We also want you to feel comfortable and highly confident of the future, to fully realize the beneficial outcome and to start a wonderful lifelong relationship. We also impart some pearls of wisdom (e.g. wearing hearing aids early on as stated above) so that you completely understand the grand endeavor upon which we embark. It is both more readily acceptable and also more assuring when you hear it from a paid professional.  At the end of our initial meeting, we need your commitment because our focus must be on facilitating a strong relationship where the older parents can work with the younger family relation / responsible party in order for the senior to live in a safe and happy home environment.

Once we  have explained the benefits, gathered information and secured a commitment from you, we are ready to proceed. In the next section How we do it we talk about our methodical system approach with an empathetic personal touch.

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