
Nearly 80% of older adults (above 65 years of age) have family members as caregivers who do not consider themselves as caregivers. On the contrary, they consider their help as something that should be done. Naturally, the older person in need readily accepts their aid. And the trust in the caregiver is already present precisely because they are family. However, there comes a point in time when it is necessary to hire outside help, whether it is for a respite period of time or fulltime.

Accepting a caregiver into the home is a HUGE challenge. I find that the seniors will push back on the idea at the same time that the adult children or relatives are pulling their parents, aunts or uncles to hire someone. Many of you seniors do not want a stranger in your home, and you will come up with a number of excuses: “They are going to steal. It’s too expensive. They are not going to do things right” and the best one “Really I do not need one. “

So what do we do about this resistance to an outside caregiver? Well, as our name says, ‘We are in this together! ’Let’s look at the positive side for having a caregiver; and we will see that there are many good reasons and benefits for YOU when you invest in a caregiver. That is right because you – or more succinctly your physical and mental health are your greatest assets, not you house, car, stocks and bonds. They mean nothing without your wellbeing. Therefore, consider it an investment in your future that will pay big dividends.

In fact, there are a lot of senior caregivers out there. Young and middle aged, females and males, quiet and talkative, Caucasian, Pilipino, Mexican, Russian, South American, African American, etc. They are Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and spiritual. The pool of available caregivers is huge so that a suitable caregiver can be found in order for you to have a great social and working relationship. Compatibility will be the driving factor in agreeing to an outside caregiver. Believe me, there is someone out there that you will trust and like and with whom you will bond.