From the Benefits of a Caregiver Comes Acceptance

The acceptance of a caregiver will come chiefly from the realization of the benefits. Naturally, we do things because it benefits us. Thus we ask “What is in it for me?” In the previous section we enumerated the eight benefits in having a caregiver so that you would readily agree based on solid evidence that it is truly a fantastic idea. Consequently, your acceptance of the caregiver is predicated on receiving all the benefits.

Remember, trust and verify! Trust the caregiver and in the fulfillment of all the benefits. We are only going to hire people that want and I mean sincerely want to help you. Their best interest is in pleasing you, or they will be out of a job sooner than you can say boo. They only continue to be paid if they satisfy you! And together we verify that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, when they are supposed to, along with the where and how they have been instructed to do it. Your acceptance of them entails their complete adherence and verification by us to your tailored care plan which in turn gives rise to your full enjoyment of the benefits.

Your acceptance is also predicated on having a wonderful trusting friendship with your caregiver. Building a relationship with a caregiver is something you can do, and that is also why we mentioned the benefit of compatibility in the previous section. Moreover, you already have acquaintances with other caring people and organizations in your lives: the stores at which you shop, the filling station at where you gas up, the barber or hair stylist that you go to, the church or synagogue to which you attend and the doctor and dentist in whom you place your health and wellbeing. And let’s face it; you place your trust in people that you have never met: with the airline pilot, the fireman, policewoman, paramedic, etc. I also know that you have placed your trust with many organizations where you cannot name a single person who works there, but you use their services at home every day such as the power, gas, and telephone companies’ personnel. In a real sense, there are hundreds of people whom you indirectly pay that are benefiting and helping you every day to stay at home so why not have just one more!

So building a relationship along with trust and verify are two critical components in accepting a caregiver into your home and life. They are also important factors in overcoming any of the obstacles. Much of your hard work in life has benefited others; now start to reap the rewards and benefits of your hard work by investing in a caregiver.

Once we have agreed on the caregiver and its benefits to you, the other 25% of hiring them has already been done. Together Helping Seniors has already mitigated the negative from happening by verifying who they are, having their references and driving record checked and completing a skill assessment. They have been subjected to a criminal background check by the state of California. They are bonded by their company in case of accident or theft. You have homeowner insurance that covers you financially for any injuries incurred by them while on your property. All that really has to be done is for you to decide a start date and time.