How We Do It

We implement our solutions with a systems approach and a caring touch. That is, we carefully look at the your entire life and ensure that all aspects are working in harmony. We create plans, organize tasks and establish instruments (e.g. power of attorneys) that enable a structured environment which leaves little to chance. Moreover, a systems approach is about working as a team utilizing the expertise of all our reputable contacts such as a geriatrician, an elder law attorney, a physical therapist, an audiologist, etc . You also benefit from our huge experience with many older people. Through all of this, we are listening to your feedback in order to tailor your home environment. Consequently, we by utilizing the systems approach return full circle to fulfilling your goals and our mission.

Let’s elaborate on a specific example. One of the BIG concerns for our clients is the household finances. Given the fact that the younger adult family member has assumed the responsibility of caring for the senior in their old age (it’s payback time,) their obligation to watch out for the elder person’s finances is a natural conclusion. We sincerely hope that there is this vital level of trust within the family. Our job is to facilitate the financial management  of your affairs into an easy process.

Managing the checkbook and paying the monthly bills is a headache that has to be done just like paying taxes. We are here to help you minimize the nuisance. We aid you with paying bills electronically in order that you never have to worry about missed payments or late fees. Furthermore, we ensure that all of your incomes such as social security, pensions, rental, royalty, etc. are automatically deposited too. Your son or daughter is now your fiduciary and is able to handle the everyday finances with very little difficulty.

This is so very important because missing a property tax payment is followed by a lien on the house and ultimately a senior could lose their home. Believe me, it has happened and only recently has the county of Los Angeles established safeguards to prevent such a tragedy. Moreover, by stopping the paper bills from being mailed to the senior’s home, it alleviates a tremendous stress for them in later years. Family finances are a part of life and with our assistance, the responsible family member is able to look after the elder person’s budget (a second set of books) with minor inconvenience.

Beyond setting up the financial arrangement, like all good business that run like clockwork (e.g. McDonald’s,) we have multiple action lists. Please review the following bullet points and you will get a more encompassing and detailed view of how we go about our wonderful work of helping seniors together:

A portion of our Bucket List for Together Helping Seniors

  • Home-site Operational Evaluation
  • Home Safety Review
  • Fall Prevention
  • Security Inspection
  • Camera Surveillance Setup
  • Car Tracker
  • Transportation Arrangement
  • Advanced Care Direction
  • Medication
  • Medical Insurance
  • Emergency Contact Sheet
  • Power of Attorney
  • Trust
  • Will
  • Financial Arrangement
  • Meal Preparation

There are more action items on our “Bucket List” which we will gladly discuss with you in person. In the meantime, let’s proceed with the last process concerning our systems approach on how we go about Together Helping Seniors.

The final part of the systems approach deals with feedback and incorporating self-regulating mechanism to maintain the home living and more well being. In fact, we have a very unique vantage point concerning how we go about our expert help which heavily relies on our wealth of experience in dealing with the older population. These are some of the more common frustration with which the aged later need assistance and where we work proactively.

We have listened to the  feedback of many seniors concerning their living arrangements and have already identified and implemented solutions when we go about creating your particular home environment. Let’s discuss some of that feedback. The television remote control can be tremendous headache to the point that the senior wants you to drive over now so they can watch their favorite program . The handling of checkbook is a common frustration that raises anxiety as we already discussed. Confusion over their medication eventually happens and it can drive you batty. A problem with hearing progressively becomes a detriment to their social interactions. Poor driving, missing items, falling in the house, a deteriorating house, sadly arguments with those trying to help and the list goes on and on regarding with what other seniors have dealt; but rest assured we are there to help. We believe that by being proactive about the challenges in senior living has its rewards and alleviates the stress of everyone being caught by surprise.

In conclusion, the systems we developed are critical to aiding both the senior and family members. Let your team help you. As we explain in the next section, our time tested tools another essential part of our maxim of being a one stop shop.


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